April 28, 2011

Looks like sassy SD magazine is getting POPULAR!!

Sorry for not posting for a while!! My internet kinda kept cutting out and I got ever so annoyed..anway lets get on!!

So..I saw a girl post a GB comment in my friend's GB about Sssy SD magazine!!

So basiclly, the girl is saying:

Girl: " I know her(kkrrbb78)I found out about sassy SD magazine......:)I'll ask her anyway!!"

Let's take a closer look at what she said 0nce more:

That's good more people are finding out about sassy SD magazine:)
I will never regret that I'm a writter for this blog!

P.S. Sorry you can't see what the girl said... I wrote what she wrote anyways so...

Thanks so much for reading!!
XoXoXo Maya. Rouibah

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