Hey!,This is for kkrrbb78,I am training to be a blog writer for her.I will use pictures and very useful things like how to get free items/clothes/furniture.
Hi, nice to have you on sassy SD, But i do Free Itenms :L And I am defiantly sticking to that. So i will defiantly do clothes and beauty parlour stuff, you can do furniture (: But i will defiantly stick with doing free items. Kind Regards, Kaylee x
Hi, nice to have you on sassy SD, But i do Free Itenms :L And I am defiantly sticking to that. So i will defiantly do clothes and beauty parlour stuff, you can do furniture (: But i will defiantly stick with doing free items. Kind Regards, Kaylee x
kaylee does free items, you can do anything else!
Hey! What am i on? :D
Guys please ignore it saying posted by charleyrox its attuly by me trixiegurlxxx xxx
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