This is a sweet message Kayci sent me on stardoll when I wasn't an active blog writer for this blog;
hey maya, you haven&#t been that active on the blog lately. I love you&#re work, and i want to see it more. You&#re very talented, but you seem like you&#re not into writing on the blog. I saw you apply for and you didn&#t even add the blog to you&#re experience...please write more! you have talent, and the more active you are, the better it shine&#s. As long as you write four days a week thats fine! if you can&#t just let me know.
Thanks! ♥ - Thanks for -
Thanks so much for letting me be a writter for this blog!
Thanks for all the supportors!
I really appriciate ot ;)
Ilysm sassy SD magazine group!
Thanks everyone and especially Kayci! Your all amazing, in return I made a cake that said I love Kayci on it ;)